Sunday, April 23, 2023

Install, Set-up, Run and Test Primavera P6 Professional Project Management Release 22.x on Windows 10/11

[NEW] Want to learn Primavera P6 in-depth, hands-on? A new course is now available! 

The article follows. 


To be a master management practitioners, you can't rely on a single software tool. In fact, you have to master, or at least know many, spanning across Project-Program-Portfolio Management, Risk Management, Agile Management, Issue Management, Bug/Defect Management, Scaled Agile Management, Estimation, Reporting, Earned Value Management (EVM), among others. 

I've been using Oracle Primavera P6 Professional PM and EPPM tools since 2014 and have written a number of articles on it. Recently, I tried my hands on the latest release of Oracle Primavera P6 Professional Project Management (PM) - Release 22.12. At this stage, it's important to note that Primavera P6 is a widely used and popular project management software tool.

This software was released towards the end of 2022.The newly released software maintains its robust functionalities like its previous versions. In addition, a new set of functionalities are available. In fact, there are quite a few new functionalities when compared with R18.x

This article informs on how to set-up and run the software. There are just four steps you need to follow to install and test the software, which are:

  1. Step – 1: Download and Install the software
  2. Step – 2: Configure Primavera P6 Professional DB
  3. Step – 3: Launch Primavera P6Professional PM
  4. Step – 4: Create Project and Activities with Professional P6 Professional 22.x

It's not that difficult you understand any software and its installation. Towards the end I'll show a simple example of creating one project with a few activities. So, let's begin.

Step – 1: Download and Install Primavera P6 Professional

You can download the software from Oracle's e-Delivery platform:

If you don't have an account, just create an account and get started. When you search for Primavera P6 Professional PM, the following screen will come-up. Select them all or the needed ones and download.

After you've downloaded the software, you can use the "" file to extract and it'll have the needed executable to install. This is shown below.

Double click and run the software Step-by-step instructions are given in the associate PDF file towards the end of this article. 

Step – 2: Configure Primavera P6 Professional PM Database

Post installation, you'll be asked to configure the database (DB). The DB can be the enterprise level Oracle DB or a light-weight SQL DB. I prefer the lightweight one as it's quick and efficient. It also has almost all the functionalities. 

After you have the DB and associate the configurations, test the DB as shown below. It'll display a message of being successful.

Step – 3: Launch (Run) Primavera P6 Professional PM

Your installation and configuration are done and now you can launch the software When you launch, provide the needed user name and password and the P6 software will be launched. 

Post launching for the first time, you've to change a few settings which is explained in the below linked PDF. It's explains all steps in a detailed manner.

Step – 4: Create Project and Activities with Primavera P6 Professional 22.x

This is the final step, where you will test with a freshly created project and activities. Post creation of the project, activities, linking among the activities and scheduling, your view will come as shown below.

Conclusion: Check the Detailed PDF

You can visualize the step-by-step instructions to download, install, set-up, run and test Primavera P6 Professional int the below document. It's a long one! To get a PDF copy (public link below), send an email to  

The document is available for viewing in PDF format - Link.

Primavera P6 as mentioned in the beginning is robust project management software tool and it's quite useful to know. I hope this article guides in that regard.

In many of my courses and books related to Project Management, Risk Management, Practical Project/Risk Management et al., I've extensively used Primavera P6 software to demonstrate schedules, work breakdown structure (WBS), risk breakdown structure (RBS), risk register etc.

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