Friday, December 03, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – ManagementYogi’s Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional (CHAMP) Online Course


This is in continuation of the following post:

Certified Hybrid-Agile Master with MS Project Online Course

There are a number of questions raised by many Agile practitioners on ManagementYogi’s Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional Online Course. I’ve tried to address as many questions here.

*Note*: Step-by-Step Guide: Install, Set-up and Run MS Project 2019 with Agile Features (MS Project 2019 Online Desktop Client)

*Update - Release Notes, December, 2022*: This course has been updated. For the latest updates, refer to the this link: What’s New: Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional (CHAMP)

Question – 1: What are the applicability, validity and price of this course?

Answer: This course combines theory and practical. Theory part covers the needed content for the Hybrid-Agile with a variety of Models, examples, needs of Hybrid projects and their management. 

Practical part covers the hands-on practical with MS Project 2019 with its Agile features. With the practical part, you will have hands-on and in-depth learning of Hybrid-Scrum management, Hybrid-Kanban management and Hybrid-Kanban management. 

This course will be valid for 3 or 6 months, from the date of purchase. The price of the course is $95 USD (or Rs 8,079) for 3 months access and $159 USD (Rs 13,519) for 6 months access. I believe it is one of the lowest priced Hybrid-Agile certification courses in the world. But it comes with high quality. 

This course also comes with a full money-back guarantee, without any tricky (and mostly useless to you) terms and conditions. 

Question – 2: What is the duration of the course?

Answer: The course is of 14.5 hours of duration, which you can complete in 3 months or 6 months. The entire course is in video format. It has been divided into 10 (+1) individual lessons. In total, there are 138 videos and 101 exercise files.

For more details: Certified Hybrid-Agile Master with MS Project Professional Online Course 

Question – 3: What is the certification offered by this course?

Answer: This course comes with an end-exam with a set of questions, which covers both theory and practical aspects of Hybrid-Agile Management. To clear the exam, you need score at least 70%. Questions’ standard will be tough and high-quality. Questions will be real-world scenario driven.

With completion of the course and clearing of the end course exam, you will receive the unique credential: Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional (CHAMP).

Question – 4: Is there any prerequisite for this certification course?

Answer: There are two prerequisites for this certification course:

  • Basic understanding of Waterfall model, and Agile frameworks: Scrum and Kanban
  • Basic understanding of MS Project with its Agile features

Question – 5: How many questions will be there in the Certified Hybrid-Agile Master exam?

Answer: There will be 50 questions in the exam, which you have to complete in 1 hour (or 60 minutes). To reiterate, questions’ standard will be tough, high-quality and will be real-world scenario driven.

The exam will be online and can be taken anytime. After you complete the exam, the exam score will be immediately visible to you. Detailed score and analysis will be sent to you shortly afterwards.

If you have cleared the exam, you will receive Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional or CHAMP credential, along with the detailed score and analysis.

Question – 6: You mentioned that a 70% score is needed to clear the exam. Is there any exam retake? Is there any retake fee?

Answer: You can have two attempts, including the first one. If you could not clear the exam in the first attempt, you can take another attempt.

The course fee includes the exam fee for the first attempt. There is NO fee at all for retaking the exam. The second attempt will be completely free of cost to you. 

Question – 7: Why should I go for this CHAMP certification course? What’s unique about this certification course?

Answer: To know more on the key benefits of this course, you can watch this video: 

The above video outlines a number of course benefits.

Unlike many courses available in the world today, this course has in-depth theory and hands-on practical with an Agile Management software tool, i.e., MS Project Agile. Hence, you can apply the theoretical understanding in a hands-on manner. Your Certified Hybrid-Agile Master credential demonstrates your knowledge of Hybrid-Agile theory and hands-on practical.

Question – 8: Are there any continuing certification requirements like earning more professional units, or making payments every few years?

Answer: No. There is no renewal fee for this course. There are also no perpetual payment schemes. 

You will get the credential one-time and it’ll continue to remain valid. 

Question – 9: Are there any PDUs or SEUs offered by this course?

Answer: You can claim up-to 16 PDUs (in different PDU categories) with the completion of this course and earning the Certified Hybrid-Agile Master credential. You can claim an equivalent number of SEUs as well. These can help you to maintain your other credentials such as RMP, ACP, PMP, Scrum Master or Product Owner certifications.

Question – 10: How is it different from the certification courses on Scrum or Kanban?

Answer: This is a certification course on Hybrid-Agile. Hybrid-Agile combines two or more Agile approaches. In other words, it’s not specific to any standalone prescribed Agile frameworks. It combines Waterfall, Scrum and Kanban. With this course, you learn in-depth:

  • Hybrid-Scrum Management
  • Hybrid-Kanban Management
  • Hybrid-Scrumban Management

Many organizations don't use an individual Agile framework, say Scrum or Kanban. In fact, a 2017-18 report on Scrum informed that a large number of practitioners were using Waterfall, Scrum, and Kanban together. In another report for Scrum Master trends in 2019, a combination of approaches being used went beyond 80%. 

Hence, Hybrid-Agile projects and their management are a reality and must-have for project management practitioners. It’s unlike any standalone Agile framework.

Question – 11: How is it different from the Course: Mastering MS Project 2019 Agile or course: MS Project Live Lessons?

Answer: There are two main differences:

Difference 1: The Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional (CHAMP) course is a full-fledged certification course and comes with a detailed end-course exam. In the end-course exam (NOT assessment), you have to take an online exam. To clear the exam, you have to score at least 70% percent. 

Mastering MS Project 2019 Agile and MS Project Live Lessons courses are not certification-oriented courses. These courses are designed to have in-depth learning. On completion of the course, you will receive the course completion certificates. These courses don’t come with an end-course exam and hence, are not certification oriented. 

Difference 2: The Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional course combines both theory and hands-on practical. Mastering MS Project 2019 Agile is a completely practical oriented course.

Question - 12: Is there any detailed course index for this course to check? Not just a few lines, but the entire course index. 

Answer: Yes, absolutely. You can see the entire course index. 

To see the complete course content and index, you can refer the below link:

Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional with MS Project Online Course 

If you need a soft downlodable file, just drop me a mail. I'll send it you.

Important Note: You can also check 20 videos of this certification course, before paying any money (purchasing the course). 

Question - 13: Why I should opt for this online course, instead of classroom Hybrid-Agile training?

Answer: As a matter of fact, there is no such course worldwide, which combines both theory and practical in Hybrid-Agile management. Hence, no one can provide this training to you.

The other aspect is online learning. Online learning is having the following positive aspects:

  • Convenient - you can learn at your own time with your own speed. You can watch the content as many times as you want. 
  • Longer duration – 3 or 6 months of duration (not just 2 days of training)
  • Low cost - much lower than classroom training

Also, if you are going for a classroom training (if anyone can provide such practical and theory training), but the training is useless because you understood little to nothing, then where is the value? 

As informed before, many don’t know how to apply Hybrid-Agile with a real-world hands-on tool. Hence, they can’t provide the training or learning. 

Question - 14: This course comes with MS Project Agile as hands-on tool. But I’ve been using other Agile tools. How will this course help?

Answer: Irrespective of the tools used, the management concepts remain similar. 

Hybrid-Management concepts such as Hybrid-Models, Hybrid-Scrum, Hybrid-Sprint Management, Hybrid-Kanban, Hybrid-Backlog Management, Hybrid-Burndown/Burnup charts, Hybrid-Cumulative Flow Diagrams, Waterfall with Scrum and Kanban (Hybrid-ScrumBan), Baseline of Hybrid projects, Tracking of Hybrid Projects etc. are all used across Agile tools. 

Hence, it’ll be useful to apply these understanding in other tools. Learning in one tool, helps to quickly grasp concepts in other tools.

Question - 15: Why should I go with Management Yogi, compared to others?

Answer: Indeed, there are many providers who provide Agile training. In fact, hundreds of them! And everyone claims to preparing:

Masters in Scrum, Masters in Agile, Master in Product Management and so on. 

But the reality is no one becomes a master in anything in just 2-days of training. 

As you would know, it takes time to learn and get mastery. More importantly, you should have the ability to apply your theoretical understanding with a hands-on, practical tool. Few providers, if at all, can claim to provide both theory and practical on Hybrid-Agile management. Many, in fact, don’t know how to do it.

This course is of long-duration, has needed theory, in-depth and hands-on practical. It’s followed by an end-course exam, which thoroughly evaluates your understanding. Hence, with this certification, you have a much deeper learning. 

Question - 16: Will there be any support if any questions arise during the learning of Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional (CHAMP) course? 

Answer: Yes, definitely. Please send an email to and your questions will be answered within 3 working days or 72 hours. 


If you have any other questions or clarifications, please send a mail to If this course has those features, I’ll inform you with all the details. If it does not, then also, you will be clearly informed. There won’t be any round-about answers. 

Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Online Course:

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