Monday, June 21, 2021

Course Comparison: ACP 21 Contact Hours Vs. ACP Live Lessons

There are now new courses on the Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP®) exam from the Project Management Institute (PMI®). These new courses are already being used by aspiring PMI-ACPs. 

Among the questions I received, one question is particularly important.

What are the main differences between these courses?

Another associated question is this:

What are the differences with the credentials such as Master of Scrum or Owner of Product which are done in 2- or 3-days?

First, we will see the differences and then we will compare with other courses. These courses are unique and are ONLY such courses in the world. No one gives moneyback guarantee (but everyone claims to give!), without a number of terms and conditions. Both these courses come with full moneyback guarantee and with simple, direct and upfront moneyback schemes. 

Fundamental Difference

First and foremost, these two courses vary with their goal(s) and objective(s) with the associated motto.

For ACP 21 Contact Hours, these are the goal, objective and motto.

  • One Goal: Get the 21 contact hours with complete satisfaction. 
  • One Objective: Get the 21 ACP contact hours in 6 months.
  • One Motto: Don’t just get casually trained for 21 contact hours. Understand fully, learn strongly and prepare well for your ACP exam.

To know more, watch this video: [2m 08s]

For ACP Live Lessons, these are the goal, objectives and motto.

  • One Goal: You clear the ACP exam. 
  • Two Objectives: 
    • Get the ACP Contact Hours Certificate. 
    • Crack the ACP exam in 6 months.
  • One Motto: Learn deeply and use it to clear the ACP Exam.

To know more, watch this video: [2m 26s]

You can see all the sample videos in this playlist:
Sample Video Playlist for ACP Live Lessons - 29 Videos

Note: A number of videos from the above playlist are also part of ACP 21 Contact Hours Online Course.

Now, let's see the other differences.

Other Main Differences

I’ve noted other main differences in the below two tables. Actually, it’s one table, but I’ve segregated them into two because I’ve prepared to have better visibility and understanding.

The second part of this table is noted below.

*Note* Price Update [2025]:

  • For ACP 21 Contact Hours: $75 USD/ Rs 6,379 (6 months access) [details]
  • For ACP Live Lessons: $379 USD/ Rs 32,219 (6 months access) [details]

Now a very important part considering millions of masters of Scrums or owners of Product!

Comparison with 2 Days of Master of Scrum or Owner of Product

There is a plethora of courses in the market, which claim to make you master of Scrum, Kanban or Agile with 2-days of training. Now-a-days, they have advanced mastery courses with another 2-days of training! 

I’ve always wondered how people get mastery in just 16 hours of training. Is it possible in any field of human endeavor to have mastery in 2 days? 

I believe you know the answer! 

Let me give an example from hundreds of classes I’ve taken on Agile, where I’ve met “masters”, “owners” – hundreds of them. 


In my classes, I ask people, especially who have got “masters” in Agile/Scrum:

  • Can you tell me the 4 values and 12 principles of Agile Manifesto?
  • Not one person could answer this. 

Next, I ask the following by reducing the standard:

  • Can you tell me 2 values and 2 principles of Agile Manifesto?
  • Not one person could answer!

This is where it becomes quite surprising!  I reduce the standard much lower, and ask:

  • Can you tell me just one value and one principle of Agile Manifesto?
  • This also could not be answered by one person! One person tried (out of 100s), but could not complete a single principle statement. 

As recently as last week, I was speaking with another "master" of Scrum/Agile and asked these questions. The person could not answer, though became a "master" (or "owner") few days before.

Please note that it’s not their fault that they can’t even tell just one value and/or one principle of the Agile manifesto, but it’s the way they have been taught. 

If you want to be a “Master” of Scrum or “Master” of Kanban or a “Owner” of a Product in 2, 3 days or even less, then ACP is not a right fit for you.

Because for the ACP exam, you have to prepare sincerely and honestly. You have to truly earn it. There are no shortcuts. 

ACP course and subsequently earning the credential is for professionals, who:

  • Want to learn Agile with a large breadth and depth.
  • Want to learn a number of Agile frameworks and Scaled Frameworks.
  • Want to apply a number of engineering and troubleshooting practices in the real-world.
With these courses, you will also remember the 4 values and 12 principles. 


I’ve enabled many ACPs, who have used my book, I Want To Be An ACP and/or Various Practical Agile courses over years to clear the ACP exam and/or apply them with hands-on tools. 

When you purchase the courses, I’m also involved with you throughout your journey. Many providers can’t do that, because they don’t have the subject matter understanding. They merely aggregate the courses, reduce the price to the lowest point possible and then claim to do business (some with heavy external funding, hence can sell at throw-away prices, but with poor quality courses).

I firmly believe with these courses, you will:

  • Get the best value for your money.
  • Have the content with the latest agile standards, guides and the needed references/books.
  • Understand the content clearly, which boosts your confidence.

If you prepare sincerely and honestly, with these courses – particularly with ACP Live Lessons course, you have a fair chance to clear the ACP exam and be a certified PMI-ACP.

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