Saturday, June 12, 2021

ACP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass or Your Money Back


I am delighted to announce the availability of ACP® Live Lessons, a complete video course. 

ACP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass or Your Money Back

The Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) from Project Management Institute (PMI®) is a well-recognized and advanced certification in the Agile domain.

This is the ONLY such course in the world. No one ever has given a guaranteed pass, with FULL money back on ACP exam in two attempts with video lessons. This course was in private mode with a group of people for sometime. The current post announces the course going fully public.

I believe that the ACP certification is achievable for any genuine candidate. Anyone who truly aspires to be a PMI-ACP, can surely be one. One needs right content, proper direction, solid understanding of concepts with sufficient practice and of course hard work, to crack the exam. ACP Live Lessons meets this need.

This course has been requested by aspiring ACP because the coverage for ACP exam is quite different, advanced and deep. In-spite of them going through multiple classroom and virtual sessions, they are unable to have the confidence to appear for the exam.  There are few ACPs around the world around 40,000, though many providers claim misleadingly. The ACP credential definitely stands as a differentiator in your profile. Unlike various "masters" in Scrum, who are created in 2- or 3-days of training and are in millions and millions now, the PMI-ACP credential is not easy to achieve. Hence, it has value!

ACP Live Lessons course has been internally available for some time with a few people aspiring to be PMI-ACPs. With this post, this course is now fully public. The contents of this course have been used already by successful ACPs, worldwide, who have used few videos to clear the exam. Now, it’s a full-fledged video course and available to everyone. 

For sample videos, you can refer the below link.

Sample Videos for ACP Live Lessons - 1 (8)

Sample Videos for ACP Live Lessons - 2 (10)

Sample Videos for ACP Live Lessons - 3 (11)

The ACP certification is NOT equal to the Project Management Professional (PMP®) as many think it to be. The learning for this certification will be at least 5x more when compared to the new PMP exam, particularly when you consider Agile. When compared with the pre-2021 old PMP exam, the learning will be 8x to 9x more. The exam coverage scope is vast, because it takes multiple reference books and one guide. In addition, you need to be aware of scaled Agile approaches. These make many aspiring ACPs struggle.

The ACP Live Lessons course incorporates all the needed areas, including the latest practices and concepts in Agile. It has exhaustive content with high quality practice questions so that you crack the ACP exam. 

Top 12 Features: ACP Live Lessons

  1. Total Video Duration: 30 hours (29h 41m 16s) 
  2. Number of Videos: 480
  3. Number of Lessons: 12
  4. Number of Questions: 1254
  5. Number of Full-Length Question Sets: 6 (total = 720 Questions) 
  6. Practice Questions: 60 questions (average)
  7. Smart Cards: 160 (Smart Cards referring Agile guides and others)
  8. Figures and explanations: 100+
  9. Video Exercises on Agile with explanations: 107
  10. Tips and Tricks: 100s of Tips throughout the lessons
  11. Practical Tools: Usage of practical tools such as MS Project, Atlassian Jira in areas such as Release Planning, Iteration/Sprint Planning, and metrics.
  12. 21 Contact Hours Certificate: Mandatory 21 contact hours certificate needed to sit in the ACP is part of this course.

The content of this video course is highly simplified so that you can understand quickly. The videos are highly interactive, with a number of exercises and interactive questions.

Course Breakdown: ACP Live Lessons 

  • Lesson 1 – Welcome (9 videos): 18m 41s [18 minutes 41 seconds]
  • Lesson 2 – Introduction (19 videos): 1h 13m 16s
  • Lesson 3 – Agile Principles and Mindset (80 videos): 5h 26m 21s
  • Lesson 4 – Value Driven Delivery (58 videos): 3h 53m 52s
  • Lesson 5 – Stakeholder Engagement (55 videos): 3h 02m 34s
  • Lesson 6 – Team Performance (64 videos): 3h 23m 33s
  • Lesson 7 – Adaptive Planning (69 videos): 4h 14m 38s
  • Lesson 8 – Problem Detection and Resolution (46 videos): 2h 55m 16s
  • Lesson 9 – Continuous Improvement (61 videos): 3h 35m 16s
  • Lesson 10 – Various Agile Exercises (17 videos): 1h 31m 31s
  • Lesson 13 – Six Full Length Question and Answer Sets (720 Q&As)
  • Lesson 14 – Final Talk - ACPP Live Lessons (2 videos): 06m 15s

The details on it this course, with information on additional features, are available also available at:

What is Full Money Back Guarantee for ACP Live Lessons Course?

You go through the videos, along with detailed instructions (also in video format), and appear in the ACP exam – only two attempts. If you couldn’t clear, share your exam report. I’ll refund your entire money - no questions asked. 

There are no little tricks, such as – “terms or conditions apply”, “appear the exam multiple times till you pass”, “** conditions (conditions with stars in the footnote in small letters)”, as you would have seen in many places. What you see (and reading in this post) is what you get.

The premise is simple – Give the exam. You pass and you are a PMI-ACP. You win. In case you couldn’t clear the exam, your full money will be with you. You still win.

You will also have the 21 contact hours certificate free of cost. The course, as noted in the top features, provides this certificate. This is another win for you.  

The below video explains the money-back guarantee scheme [2m:26s]. It has the goal (one), objectives (two) and motto (one) for ACP Live Lessons.

Note: You can also evaluate the videos before paying any money. Up-to thirty (30) videos will be available for your evaluation, even before your purchase. 

Applicability and Validity

  • ACP Exam Base: Agile Practice Guide (APG) from PMI, Eleven (11) recommended reference books by PMI, around 50+ other books on Lean-Agile approaches and practices. 
  • Course Duration: 6 months or 1 year from the date of purchase
  • Price:
    $US 709/ Rs 56,719. Now $US 379/ Rs 32,219 (6 months access)
    $US 949/ Rs 75,949Now $US 439/ Rs 37,319 (1 year access)
  • Payment:
    (Login, Send your payment to paypal account of, Enter the amount; Invoice will be generated after payment)
    OR, you can pay via Bank Transfer or Payment. For this, please send a mail to to get account the details.
  • Available since: June, 2021
  • Primary Format: Video 
  • Status: Available
    (accessible via laptop/desktop)

Detailed Course Breakdown

The detailed course breakdown is shown below. It details the hours of learning, number of videos and practice questions, along with various exercise details. You can scroll to see the full content. 

You can also see it in a larger screen by clicking the arrow on the link below:

Course Index – ACP Live Lessons, Guaranteed Pass

You can also see the sample videos in a playlist.

ACP Guaranteed Pass Sample Video Playlist (18 Videos) 

If you want to buy this course or have any question, please send an email to 

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