Monday, May 24, 2021

Course Review: RMP Live Lessons–A Must-Have Course if You Are Serious About Risk Management

By V Satya Viswanadha Raju, RMP, PMP

Why this Course?

After completing my PMP certification, in less than a year the COVID pandemic started. The current challenges and risks that were evolving in my project along the current pandemic. 

My organization's approach has also changed with respect to risk management. It made me think more on Risk Management, primarily identification, planning and mitigation. 

That has attracted me more towards pursuing and earning my Risk Management Professional (RMP®) credential. I was not fortunate to have the RMP Live Lessons course, but got access to this course later. 

After going through this course, I felt this:

This video course is awesome. I wish I had this course earlier.

RMP Live Lessons: Unique Selling Point

The RMP Live Lessons course will definitely help the individuals in understanding the importance of changing the thought processes about Risks and Risk Management. It’s more important than earning the RMP credential. 

Your whole perspective will change when you start going through the videos. Taking the RMP Live Lessons course will help you think about the future state of the project and help you run your project by identifying and mitigating the risks.

RMP Live Lessons: Main Advantages 

By taking this course, you will have both broad level understanding and deeper perspectives on areas of risk management, weighing the risks in your project and prioritizing them, along with planning and mitigating the risks.  The course covers the RMP exam fully and will make you prepared for the unseen situations.

Some of you might think the RMP credential is not really needed. But taking the RMP exam will help the individuals to come out of the regular thought process of project management and keeps you ahead in handling the unexpected and unprecedented situations that can affect a project. This course will change your perspectives on risk management. 

RMP Live Lessons: Key Features

I’ve gone through the course of RMP Live Lessons, Guaranteed Pass for over 30 days. I’ve gone through all the videos. 

I found all videos to be crisp and clear. In my view, these are some of the key features of this course:

  • The course is truly UNIQUE. It has all the blends and flavors that will be covered from the PMI’s Practice Standard for Risk Management, The Standard for Risk in Portfolios, Programs and Projects and the PMBOK Guide, the latest edition.
  • It also covers new contents which are not available anywhere such as a large set of exercises in video format and a number of flow diagram exercises. 
  • There are a number of Lessons (total 16) and an exhaustive set of videos. Among these lessons, I particularly liked the following ones the most.
    • Lesson of Risk Identification, 
    • Lesson of Quantitative Risk Analysis, and 
    • Lesson of Risk Response Planning. 
      These will be very important for your RMP exam.
  • Every lesson ends with a number of practice questions. It makes you think differently and tackle different real time scenarios to overcome the risks. Remember that most of the RMP exam questions will be situational.
  • For my RMP exam, I had referred Satya Sir’s RMP book. This video course goes much deeper into the topics and explanations. Satya Sir mentions to read the PMI’s Risk Management related Standards, but in my view this course is sufficient for the RMP exam. 
  • In my view, you need not refer any other content (only have to browse), if you proceed thoroughly with this course.
  • There are extensive sets of videos on areas such as Monte Carlo Simulations, Latin Hypercube Simulations which will be very important for your RMP exam.
  • Concepts such as Risk Attitude Spectrum, Probabilistic Analysis are thoroughly explained. 
  • In total there are 5 full-length questions – each having 170 questions with answers. These will prepare you very well for the RMP exam. 

After going through the course, I feel it's the best in the industry. I strongly believe that though there will be other courses, the BEST will be only one, and it's this course.


I’ve cleared the RMP exam in my first attempt and I found it to be more difficult than the PMP exam. My exam experience is published here. I want to emphasize that help I received from Satya sir in clarifying my doubts, guiding me to think differently about risks. I cleared the exam because of him.

The RMP Live Lessons, Guaranteed Pass course is a complete video course. Hence, it stands far apart from the text content of a book. 

You just have to watch the videos, and do the exercises. We are in a world where time is more important than money. If you are serious about the RMP exam, you should not think about the money part. Because, it's the best and you can have the access whenever and wherever you want. There is no access limit or stipulated access time. It also comes with full moneyback guarantee! 

The course is so well-articulated that you will find true value for your money. It’s worth every penny of yours.

Brief Profile: 

V Satya Viswanadha Raju, RMP, PMP

Operations Manager – DXC Technology


Monday, May 10, 2021

Course Comparison: RMP 30 Contact Hours Vs. RMP Live Lessons


After availability of two new courses on Risk Management Professional (RMP) exam - RMP 30 Contact Hours Online and RMP Live Lessons, I’ve been getting these two questions from aspiring PMI-RMPs. These are important and pertinent questions.

Which course to go for RMP - RMP 30 Contact Hours or RMP Live Lessons? 
What are the differences?

Do note that both these courses are unique and are ONLY such courses in the world. No one gives moneyback guarantee (but everyone claims to give!), without a number of terms and conditions. Both these courses come with full moneyback guarantee. These are simple, direct and upfront moneyback guarantees. 

Both these courses are now being used by aspiring PMI-RMPs around the world, to clear the RMP exam and/or earn the RMP 30 contact hours certificate.

Fundamental Difference

First and foremost, these two courses vary with their goal(s) and objective(s) with the associated motto. 

For RMP 30 Contact Hours, we have:

  • One Goal: Get the 30 contact hours with complete satisfaction. 
  • One Objective: Get the 30 RMP contact hours in 6 months.
  • One Motto: Don’t just get casually trained for 30 contact hours. Understand fully, learn strongly and prepare well for your RMP exam.

You learn more on it, in this video:

For RMP Live Lessons, we have:

  • One Goal: You clear the RMP exam. 
  • Two Objectives: 1) Get the RMP Contact Hours Certificate. 2) Crack the RMP exam in 6 months.
  • One Motto: Learn deeply and use it to clear the RMP Exam.

You learn more on it, in this video:

You can see all the sample videos in this playlist:
Sample Video Playlist for RMP Live Lessons - 27 Videos

Note: A number of videos from the above playlist are also part of RMP 30 Contact Hours Online Course.

With this background, let's see the other main differences.

Other Main Differences

I’ve outlined other main differences in the below two tables. Actually, it’s one table, but I’ve segregated them into two in order to have better visibility and understanding.

The second part of this table is noted below.

*Note* Price Update [2025]:

  • For RMP 30/40 Contact Hours: $75 USD/ Rs 6,379 (6 months access) [details]
  • For RMP Live Lessons: $379 USD/ Rs 32,219 (6 months access) [details]

Now, time a for reality check!

A Reality Check 

As noted earlier, almost everyone claims to give moneyback guarantee and create some thousands of RMPs every year. Like Project Management Certification (PMP) exam, if you search the web, or open social media, you will find a number of successs stories! 

Also, there are providers who are selling courses as low as $10 or $15 USD (Rs 700 to Rs 1,000 INR). However with such courses, you understand little to nothing. Passing the exam remains a very distant dream -- many cases actually a pipe-dream -- with such courses. For example, for PMP, the $10-providers have thousands and thousands of subscribers, but very few actual PMPs. 

Let’s take the data from PMI on RMP credential holders. As of 2020, there are just over 6,000 RMPs, worldwide. But there are thousands and thousands of providers such as ATPs and REPs. If you consider all providers, the numbers will be much more. This is shown in the below snippet.

It means one ATP or REP, on an average, can’t even enable one RMP in years. Re-read the previous line -- in years of their operations! This is really bad and becomes worse considering their advertisements. 

I believe the providers can do it because they have a lot of external money coming-in. With large funding, they can have a number of advertisements and social media posts, which are mostly fakes.  

With such kind of marketing schemes ($10/$15 USD), two make money, because they get 100,000s of subsribers by enticement of low cost courses.  

  1. The external funders.
  2. The founders looking for quick buck and exit.

But, you -- the customer and course subscribers -- get nothing of real value. This is evident with very low number of RMPs, but thousands of subscribers in those providers' portals. 

Management teaches you an important lesson: Time is more important than moeny. Cost can be recovered, resources can be hired, scope can be added, but you can not recover the lost time.

A high quality course with high quality questions take enormous time to prepare. To prepare these courses, I've learned and practiced for years. These courses have taken me months to build -- even with my deep learning on risk management. As a reader or learner, this is the time (the time I spent working on the course and content) you save. The time saved for you will be in years.


I’ve enabled many RMPs, who have used my book, I Want To Be A RMP and/or Practical RMP with Primavera Risk Analysis course over years to clear the RMP exam. 

Few of them written their RMP Success Stories.

When you purchase the courses, I’m also involved with you throughout your journey. Many providers can’t do that, because they don’t have the subject matter understanding. They are merely course aggregators.

For these two new courses, I've informed the goals and objectives. I've also outlined other differences. These, I believe, will help you to choose the course of your choice.

With either of these courses, I firmly believe that you:

  • Get the best value for your money.
  • Will have the content with the latest risk management standards, practice guides and the needed books.
  • Will understand the content clearly, which boosts your confidence. 

Above all, if you prepare sincerely, you have a fair chance to clear the RMP exam and be a certified PMI-RMP.

RMP Live Lessons - Guaranteed Pass:

RMP 30 Contact Hours Course: