Friday, April 30, 2021

Nine More Sample Videos: RMP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass


This is in continuation of the following posts: 

In this post, 9 more sample videos have been made public. The access to these videos is completely free and can be seen at the YouTube channel of Management Yogi.

The videos are from:

  • Lesson – 4: Risk Management Framework and Life Cycle (2 videos)
    • Video: 4.1.11 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Fundamentals
    • Video: 4.1.13 Combining All - PPP Risk Management and ERM
  • Lesson – 5: Risk Management and Other Knowledge Areas (2 videos)
    • Video: 5.2.22 Risk Management on Comms. Management (1) [from Part - 2]
    • Video: 5.2.23 Risk Management on Comms. Management (2) [from Part - 2]
  • Lesson – 7: Risk Identification (2 videos)
    • Video: 7.1.6 Identify Risks Process - Why Do It?
    • Video: 7.1.11 Non-Risk Items
  • Lesson – 8: Risk Qualification (1 video)
    • Video: 8.1.16 Analyzing a Populated Risk Score Matrix
  • Lesson – 14: Various Risk Management Exercises (2 videos)
    • Video: 14.1.7 Risk Management - I&O Exercises
    • Video: 14.1.15 Risk Management - Flow Diagram Exercises (3)

You can check these videos one by one.

Part 1 of this series: Sample Videos from RMP Live Lessons 

Part 2 of this series: Sample Videos from RMP Live Lessons 


Videos: Lesson 4 – Risk Management Framework and Life Cycle 

Video 4.1.11 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Fundamentals (5m:06s)

In the current RMP exam, you can expect questions on the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), which is an advanced topic. A new risk management standard has been made available for this risk. This video explains the fundamentals of ERM.

Video 4.1.13 Combining All - PPP Risk Management and ERM (2m:28s)

Enterprise risk management includes portfolio risk management, program risk management and project risk management. This takes a consolidated view for ERM along with portfolios, programs and projects.

To know more Enterprise Risk Management, you can refer the latest article: 

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Risk Governance

Do note that the above article also covers Risk Governance, along with one video on the differences between Risk Governance and Risk Management. 


Videos: Lesson 5 – Risk Management and Other Knowledge Areas

Risk Management impacts other knowledge areas and other knowledge areas also impact risk management. RMP Live Lessons (RMP 30 Contact Hours online) is the ONLY course in the world, which covers these areas.

Video 5.2.22 Risk Management Impact on Communications Management (1) (2m:00s)

Various Risk Management process impacts the building of the Communications Management Plan. Communications Management, along with Stakeholder Management are important for your RMP Exam. 

Video 5.2.23 Risk Management Impact on Communications Management (2) (3m:03s)

Risk Management and its artifacts affect the way communication distribution happens. This video explains with two key risk management artifacts – Risk Register and Risk Report.


Videos: Lesson 7 - Risk Identification

Video 7.1.6 Identify Risks Process - Why Do It? (3m:46s)

Risks can be known-unknowns, unknown-unknowns, unknowable-unknowns, emergent risks, among others. The process of Risk Identification is also assigning potential Risk Owners and building preliminary Risk Responses, which can be very tricky. This video explains with the tricky areas.

Video 7.1.11 Non-Risk Items (1m:27s)

Many confuse between risk items and risk-related features! For example, issues or concerns are not risks. This video informs on non-risk items. 


Videos: Lesson 8 – Risk Qualification

Video 8.1.16 Analyzing a Populated Risk Score Matrix (2m:22s)

Not only for your RMP exam, but also in the real world you have to analyze populated risk score matrix (or simply, risk matrix/risk charts). The RMP Live Lessons course takes a real-world risk matrix built with the help of Primavera Risk Analysis software tool and analyzes such a matrix.

To know more on building risk matrix, you can read this article:

Deep Dive into Risk Matrix Reporting.


Videos: Lesson 14 – Various Risk Management Exercises

To clear the RMP exam, you need to be thorough with a number of Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs (ITTOs). It’s not just from the PMBOK guide, 6th edition. These can be from the Practice Standard for Risk Management, the Foundational Standard for Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs and Projects, and other PMI mandated references and books!

Video 8. 14.1.7 Risk Management - I&O Exercises (3m:00s)

This video takes a number of inputs, outputs for Risk Management and explains where they will be created. Some of these are not Inputs or Outputs, but have been knowingly put to test your understanding. It’s a partial video (the actual video is much longer).

These exercises are very unique to RMP Live Lessons. 

Video 8. 14.1.15 Risk Management - Flow Diagram Exercises (3) (6m:56s)

The RMP Live Lessons video course comes with numerous flow diagram and flow diagram exercises. In total, you have 50 such flow diagrams. This flow diagram exercise talks about a number of special Tools and Techniques (T&Ts). 

These flow-diagram exercises are very unique to RMP Live Lessons. 

You can read the accompanying article to get a background:

Fundamentals of Project Risk Management Framework


To know more about this course and what is "Guaranteed RMP or Your Money Back Program",  please refer:

RMP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass or Your Money Back

Part 1 of this series: Sample Videos from RMP Live Lessons 

Part 2 of this series: Sample Videos from RMP Live Lessons

If you require more information, please send a mail to:

You can also see the sample videos in a playlist.

RMP Guaranteed Pass Sample Video Playlist (27 Videos) 

More on RMP Live Lessons - Guaranteed Pass:

RMP 30 Contact Hours Course:

Sunday, April 25, 2021

More Sample Videos: RMP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass


This is in continuation of the following posts: 

Nine sample videos have been made available in the above post.

In this post, 9 more sample videos have been made public. The access to these videos is completely free and can be seen at the YouTube channel of Management Yogi.

The videos are from:

  • Lesson - 2: Introduction (2 videos)
    • Video: 2.1.5 PMI-RMP Certification Pre-requisites
    • Video: 2.1.8 The PMI-RMP Exam Structure
  • Lesson - 3: Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management (2 videos)
    • Video: 3.1.22 Risk Attitude Spectrum
    • Video: 3.1.40 Possible Types of Risks
  • Lesson - 5: Risk Management and Other Knowledge Areas (3 videos)
    • Video: 5.1.1 Learning Objectives [from Part - 1]
    • Video: 5.1.2 Impact of Risk Management [from Part - 2]
    • Video: 5.2.43 Stakeholder Management Impact on Risk Management [from Part - 2]
  • Lesson - 6: Risk Management Planning (1 video)
    • Video: 6.1.3 Risk Management Planning - Key Points
  • Lesson - 8: Risk Qualification (1 video)
    • Video: 8.1.3 Perform QLRA Process –- What Happens?

You can check these videos one by one.

Part 1 of this series: Sample Videos from RMP Live Lessons

Part 3 of this series: Sample Videos from RMP Live Lessons


Videos: Lesson 2  Introduction

Video 2.1.5 PMI-RMP Certification Pre-requisites (3m:26s)

This video informs on the needed pre-requisites to sit in the Risk Management Professional (RMP) exam. These are the latest ones.

Video 2.1.8 The PMI-RMP Exam Structure (4m:05s)

This video explains on the RMP exam structure with the number of questions (scored and unscored), the exam duration, the performance rating categories and how you should score in the exam to pass. 

To check upon various RMP Success Stories, you can refer: 

RMP Success Stories Over Years 


Videos: Lesson 3  Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management

Video 3.1.22 Risk Attitude Spectrum (2m:44s)

Risk attitude spectrum talks about varieties of attitudes of risk stakeholders, from risk paranoid to risk addicted. It also explains the other ones such risk seeker, risk averse and risk neutral in a figure. 

To know more on Risk Attitude, refer an article by a PMI-RMP: 

PMP Protein - Understanding Risk Attitude 

Video 3.1.40 Possible Types of Risks (4m:06s)

In the risk management landscape, a number of possible risks can occur. This video outlines a list of such possible risks. We will see more as we proceed across the RMP Live Lessons course. 

Accompanying article: Possible Types of Risks


Videos: Lesson 5  Risk Management and Other Knowledge Areas

Risk Management impacts other knowledge areas and other knowledge areas also impact risk management. RMP Live Lessons (and also RMP 30 Contact Hours online) is the ONLY course in the world, which covers these areas.

Video 5.1.1 Learning Objectives (2m:37s)

The learning objectives for this lesson 5. As you can see, the impact of risk management on all other knowledge areas and also impact of other knowledge areas in risk management has been covered exhaustively. You will also know details on Management Reserve, Contingency Reserve, EVA in Risk Management, among many others.

Video 5.1.2 Impact of Risk Management (4m:27s)

Risk Management other areas of project management. It’s also impacted by all other areas of project management. This video explains.

Video 5.1.43 Stakeholder Management Impact on Risk Management (4m:24s)

Stakeholder Engagement is an important domain for your RMP exam. This video informs and explains (a part) on how Stakeholder Management impacts Risk Management. 


Videos: Lesson 6  Risk Management Planning

Video 6.1.3 Risk Management Planning - Key Points (3m:04s)

This video explains the key points with respect to Risk Management Planning. It also explains that the process of risk management planning is different from other processes. 


Videos: Lesson 8  Risk Qualification

Video 8.1.3 Perform QLRA Process – What Happens? (3m:14s)

The process of Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis (QLRA) interacts with other processes in Risk Management. This video explains with a figure. In every process of Risk Management, a number of figurative explanations have been given. This figure is one among many such explanations. 

To know more on Qualitative Risk Analysis, you can refer this article as well: 

Understanding Qualitative Risk Analysis


To know more about this course and what is "Guaranteed RMP or Your Money Back Program",  please refer:

Part 1 of this series: Sample Videos on RMP Live Lessons

Part 3 of this series: Sample Videos on RMP Live Lessons

If you require more information, please send a mail to:

You can also see the sample videos in a playlist.

More on RMP Live Lessons - Guaranteed Pass:

RMP 30 Contact Hours Course:

Monday, April 19, 2021

RMP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass or Your Money Back


* Note *: This course has been updated with the latest RMP exam changes. The latest course update happened in January, 2025. 

I am delighted to announce the availability of RMP® Live Lessons, a complete video course. 

RMP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass or Your Money Back

The Risk Management Professional (RMP) from Project Management Institute (PMI®) is well-recognized and advanced certification in Risk Management.

This is the ONLY such course in the world. No one ever has given a guaranteed pass, with FULL money back on RMP exam in two attempts with video lessons. This course was in private mode with few aspiring RMPs and a group of people for sometime. The current post announces the course going fully public. 

I believe that the RMP certification is achievable for any genuine candidate. Anyone who truly aspires to be a PMI-RMP, can surely be one. One needs right content, proper direction, solid understanding of concepts with sufficient practice and of course hard work, to crack the exam. RMP Live Lessons meets this need.

This course has been requested by aspiring RMPs because the coverage of RMP exam is quite different, advanced and deep. There are very few RMPs around the world – just over 6,000, though many providers claim misleadingly. The RMP credential definitely stands as a differentiator in your profile.

RMP Live Lessons course has been internally available for some time with a few people aspiring to be PMI-RMPs. With this post, this course is now fully public. The contents of this course have been used already by successful RMPs, worldwide, who have used few videos to clear the exam. Now, it’s a full-fledged video course and available to everyone. For sample videos, you can refer the below link.

Sample Videos for RMP Live Lessons - 1 (9)

Sample Videos for RMP Live Lessons - 2 (9)

Sample Videos for RMP Live Lessons - 3 (9)

As informed earlier, the RMP certification is advanced and a specialized one when you consider Risk Management. It’s NOT equal to the Project Management Professional (PMP®) as many think it to be. The learnings for this certification will be 4x to 5x more when compared to PMP, particularly on Risk Management. You can expect questions with respect to programs, portfolios, enterprise risk management and other advanced areas in risk management. The exam coverage scope is vast, because it takes multiple risk management standards and guides, along with a number of reference books. These make many aspiring RMPs struggle.

The RMP Live Lessons course incorporates all the needed areas, including all advanced risk management concepts. It has exhaustive content with high quality practice questions so that you crack the RMP exam. 

Top 10 Features: RMP Live Lessons

  1. Total Video Duration: 28 hours (27h 50m 34s)
    [Updated with new set of videos for RMP latest exam, now over 30 hours] 
  2. Number of Videos: 449
  3. Number of Lessons: 16
  4. Number of Questions: 1332
  5. Number of Full-Length Question Sets: 6 (total = 690 Questions) [One new question set]
  6. Practice Questions: 30 to 35 questions (average)
  7. Smart Cards: 115 (Smart Cards referring Risk Standards and Guides)
  8. Flow Diagrams: 53 (How the processes interact with each other & other KAs)
  9. Tips and Tricks: 100s of Tips throughout the lessons
  10. Advanced Topics: Coverage of ALL Advanced Topics in Risk Management for RMP exam.

The content of this video course is highly simplified so that you can understand quickly. The videos are highly interactive, with a number of exercises and interactive questions.

High Level Course Breakdown

The videos and questions have been updated for the latest RMP exam. Latest course update happened January, 2025.

  • Lesson 1 – Welcome (10 videos): 19m 34s [19 minutes 34 seconds]
  • Lesson 2 – Introduction (14 videos): 43m 32s
  • Lesson 3 – Fundamentals of Risk Management (41 videos): 2h 12m 33s
  • Lesson 4 – Risk Management Framework and Life Cycle (34 videos): 2h 11m 55s
  • Lesson 5 – Risk Management and Other Knowledge Areas (81 videos): 5h 35m 21s
  • Lesson 6 – Risk Management Planning (25 videos): 1h 22m 02s
  • Lesson 7 – Risk Identification (39 videos): 2h 05m 18s
  • Lesson 8 – Qualitative Risk Analysis (33 videos): 1h 59m 21s
  • Lesson 9 – Quantitative Risk Analysis (53 videos): 3h 38m 57s
  • Lesson 10 – Risk Response Planning (40 videos): 2h 34m 33s
  • Lesson 11 – Risk Response Implementation (20 videos): 1h 00m 24s
  • Lesson 12 – Risk Monitoring (30 videos): 1h 44m 20s
  • Lesson 13 – Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Risk Governance and Other Areas (14 videos): 51m 44s
  • Lesson 14 – Various Risk Management Exercises (13 videos): 1h 25m 55s
  • Lesson 15 – Six Full Length Question and Answer Sets (Total 690 Q&As)
  • Lesson 16 – Final Talk – RMP Live Lessons (2 videos): 07m 00s

The details on it this course, with information on additional features, are available also available at:

What is Guaranteed Pass or Your Money Back Program?

You go through the videos, along with detailed instructions (also in video format), and appear in the RMP exam – only two attempts. If you couldn’t clear, share your exam report. I’ll refund your entire money - no questions asked. 

There are no little tricks, such as – “terms or conditions apply”, “appear the exam multiple times till you pass”, “** conditions (conditions with stars in the footnote in small letters)”, as you would have seen in many places. What you see (and reading in this post) is what you get.

The premise is simple – Give the exam. You pass and you are a PMI-RMP. You win.
In case you couldn’t clear the exam, your full money will be with you. You still win.

You will also have the 30 contact hours certificate free of cost. The course, as noted in the top features, provides this certificate. This is another win for you.  

The below video explains on the money-back guarantee scheme [2m:40s]. It has the goal (one), objectives (two) and motto (one) for RMP Live Lessons.

Applicability, Validity and Payment

  • RMP Latest Exam: Foundational Standard for Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs and Projects, PMBOK Guide 7th Edition, PMBOK Guide 6th Edition, Practice Standard for Project Risk Management Standard as needed, and other mandated references by PMI [Updated January, 2025]
  • Valid Date for the Guarantee: 6 months or 1 year from date of purchase
  • Price:
    $US 709/ Rs 56,719. Now $US 379/ Rs 32,219 (6 months access)
    $US 949/ Rs 75,949Now $US 439/ Rs 37,319 (1 year access)
  • Payment Link:
    (Login, Send your payment to paypal account of, Enter the amount; Invoice will be generated after payment)
    OR, you can pay via Bank Transfer or Payment. For this, please send a mail to to get account the details.
  • Number of attempts:
  • Available since: April, 202[Updated January, 2025]
  • Primary Format: Video
  • Status: Available
    (accessible via laptop/desktop)

Detailed Course Breakdown

The detailed course breakdown is shown below (embedded document). It details hours of learning, number of videos and practice questions, along with smart cards. You can scroll to see the content.

You can also see it in a larger screen by clicking the arrow on the link below:

Course Index – RMP Live Lessons, Guaranteed Pass

If you want to buy this course or have any question, please send an email to

Monday, April 05, 2021

PMP Success Story: Smart Hard Work is the Only Shortcut to Success

By Vishwa Deepak Tiwari, PMP, P2P


Being in the industry for a long time, as I’ve seen, the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification is the only program in project management studies that is recognized and revered worldwide. I’d say, it’s better than Master of Business Administration (MBA), especially in project management!

This inspired to go for this certification program and pursue this certification. 

PMP Coaching Experience

I started my journey with PMP as I was struggling in my role to deliver projects. My manager recommended to attend a PMP training.

I joined the classroom session at Bangalore, India and I was fortunate to have found Mr. Satya Narayan Dash. I’m thankful that I got to learn from the legend of this domain. His experience as a PMP trainer is unmatched.

The training was like a workshop (very hands-on) where I got to learn and apply the knowledge in the most intuitive way possible. Coming from a technical background, it was a make or break situation for me. Thanks to his training approach, I found it quite engaging and decided to go ahead with the PMP credential. 

The process and knowledge chart (all 49 processes interacting with each other in a single chart on the whiteboard) built by Satya was so easy to understand. 

It helped me to remember them in no time.

However, things didn’t quite work out though as I got personal priorities and commitment in hand. It took me quite some time to get back and prepare seriously.  

Own Study

It has been quite some time post my classroom session. Hence, I had to start from scratch. I committed two months to this endeavour and my only resources were all emails from Satya and his book: I Want To Be A PMP.

I was on a crash course due to personal issues and therefore I had to give almost 8 hours a day for my studies. My goal was to read Satya’s book and then study the PMBOK® guide, along with the Agile Practice Guide (APG). But I never got chance to read the PMBOK guide or APG at all.

Book Review - I Want To Be A PMP

When I bought Live Lessons from Satya, he was kind enough to give me his book for free with this purchase. I guess he saw my commitment and zeal to learn, and I’m happy today that he isn’t disappointed!

I couldn’t get the time to go through the video lessons, a thorough one. The course expires in 6 months after its purchase. As noted earlier, I had other personal commitments and hence, could not pursue with it further. But I had the book, I Want To Be A PMP, from him for the lifetime and that came as a great gift.

The book is written in simplest way possible and the best part is the Yogic Tips, which are so helpful while doing revisions. I don’t think any book can be so up to date. Thanks to Satya for keeping it online and always updating it for our help. 

The practice questions written by Satya are amazing. These questions are not only helpful in reviewing the lessons, but I found them also to be the only questions coming close to the analytical challenges posed by the real PMP exam set. 

It may sound like I’m marketing for Satya, but believe me that after scoring ‘Above Target’ in PMP exam and clearing it in first attempt, I don’t have to do it anymore unless I really feel something outstanding that brought me this day.

Other Study Material Used

I tried few other mock questions, brain-dumps and purchased questions with guaranteed pass rates. 

SORRY TO DISAPPOINT YOU, but all of them are fake and nowhere close to the actual PMP exam experience. Be clear on one thing that PMI safeguards their exam bank like anything, the exam bank pool is massive and updated frequently. So, you cannot get real questions leaked, no chance!

I also tried some free online mock questions from PM Prepcast and other sites. But all of them were total waste of time. The worst part is that they have wrong answers to some questions, and they are justifying them as well!

Actually, you don’t need such questions anyways. If your understanding is solid, then you can go for the exam. The time in the exam is very limited and you will have never enough time to read too much to understand what has been asked. I wish to have one mock exam that is accurate from these sources and helps in practicing for the time. 

For those who are interested in giving the exam now, I believe that PMI has taken a leap. Their exam bank has got complete overhaul after 2nd January, 2021. The exam guidelines say that 50% questions will be from predictive and 50% from Hybrid or Agile. But I got almost 70% of Hybrid and Agile questions. 

Remember to read the Earned Value Management (EVM) for Agile projects well. I faced questions on it in the exam.

PMP Exam Experience

I scheduled for Online Proctored Exam due to Covid19 posing new challenges. Due to kids at home, I had to take midnight slot, which I’d discourage people to do unless you have no other option. It was tough to concentrate while feeling sleepy.

I struggled due to the environment factors (using PMI’s language – Enterprise Environmental Factors!) and not having enough mock exam practices. I could only attempt 178 out of 180 questions. 

Here is my experience with the actual PMP exam questions:

  • Questions are analytical and PMI uses psychometric analysis with all answers looking legitimate. In a way it’s good, because if you really understood a concept, then the answer will flash as you go through the question.
  • About 10-12 questions were multiple response questions (different from multiple-choice) with more than two answers to select sometimes.
  • There was hardly any direct question, except one in my case. Most of them were situational.
  • There were about 5-6 drag and drop questions and I found them to be easy comparatively.
  • I got only 3 mathematical questions and they were easy as well. However, it is important to remember all formulas by heart because you don’t know what’s your luck! PMP exam is not a test of your luck – not even from a thousand mile.

Suggestions for PMP Aspirants


  • Read the book, I Want To Be A PMP thoroughly and understand the concepts.
  • Memorize the formulas
  • Create your own process chart couple of times to be able to recall the flow of the 49 processes across the 5 process groups and 10 knowledge areas.
  • Focus more on the Agile aspects. Read the Agile Practice Guide, if you can. I only read the book. 
  • Read other resources related to Agile, if possible.


  • Don’t try to memorize everything, except for the formulas.
  • No need to memorize all the ITTOs; except for a few important ones and mostly to be able to answer the “WHYs”.
  • Don’t go online searching for real or even mock-up exams. I didn’t find anything of value. Quality is always better than quantity.


I’d say the journey to achieve the credential has been exciting, exhaustive, but so very satisfying in the end! 

I’d however advise people not go for this exam unless they are really in project management or genuinely interested to move into this domain. 

Brief Profile: 

Vishwa Deepak Tiwari, PMP, P2P

Principal Learning Consultant,
Norton LifeLock (previously known as Symantec Corp.)


Saturday, April 03, 2021

RMP 30 Contact Hours Online Course – Full Money Back Guarantee

* Note *: This course has been updated with the latest RMP exam changes. The updates is as of 2025. The ECO for the RMP exam has changed, along with the exam reference guides and books. 

I am pleased to announce the availability of the 30 Contact Hours Course for Risk Management Professional (RMP®) examination from Project Management Institute (PMI®):


It’s a complete video course and comes with full money back guarantee.

This course has been requested by many aspiring Risk Management Professionals (RMPs) in the last few months. They want my learn from my teachings or join my sessions as they see a number of RMP success stories. But, it’s not always feasible considering geographical and time-zone gaps. Hence, this course.

Also, unforseen scenarios with COVID19 outbreak, it’s needless to say that Risk Management will be in focus and will be continued to be emphasized in the future. There has been an increased interest in Risk Management practices. This is another reason for launching this course.

Many aspiring RMPs have requested for this video course after purchasing my RMP book, I Want To Be A RMPIndeed, videos take much less time to prepare compared to books as you will be listening and then practicing the questions. I was speaking with a successful RMP few days before, who prepared with my book and he felt this course would have cut his preparation time by half.

This course is a complete reflection of my teachings on Risk Management - classroom, in-house for special cases or personal, which have created many successful RMPs. 

This contact-hours online course has many advantages, which are not possible to cover in a few days of classroom (or even personal) training, e.g.,

  1. This course’s primary format is video, which makes learning easy.
  2. You can replay as many times as you want till you get a grasp on the concepts.
  3. It has over 100s of practice questions.
  4. It has two full-length RMP Exam Question Sets.
  5. You have to take an end course assessment of 50 questions.
    . . . 
    . . . , among many others.
All of these won’t be possible or feasible in a 3- or 4-day classroom session.

How to Claim RMP 30 Contact Hours, when not an ATP or REP?
One of the biggest misconceptions about PMI-RMP’s 30 Contact Hours program is this: You have to mandatorily get training from an Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P) or Registered Education Provider (R.E.P). Nothing can be further from the truth.

In fact, the Handbook for PMI-RMP exam has long noted this (a direct snippet)

Reference: PMI-RMP Certification Handbook, Section: "PMI-RMP Application & Payment", Page 8 (source:
PMI-RMP Hand Book – Link to Check   

As you can clearly see, only ATP or REP can provide 30-contact hours is just NOT true. Risk Management Education Requirements can be provided by training companies or consultants, distance e-Learning companies, among many others.

But some mislead, sometimes knowingly! You should always go with the course, which gives you the highest possible value and highest possible chance of success. Of course, you also have to put in the needed effort. There is no short-cut for the RMP exam. It's not an easy exam.

Money you pay for the course is not actually the value, that's just the cost you pay. You may go for a cheap course - available in abundance in the market! But in the long run, it will prove costly for you. I've seen such cases. Actual value is what you learn, how you learn and how you remember the concepts. 

With this course, you will get the mandatory 30-contact hours, a pre-requisite to appear for the RMP examination. This course comes with an end course assessment of 50 questions.

Top 10 Features: RMP 30 Contact Hours Online Course
The videos and questions have been updated for new RMP exam.
  1. Total Video Duration: 15 hours (14h 54m 45s)
    [Updated with new set of videos for RMP latest exam, now approx. 17.5 hours (17h 22m 21s)]
  2. Number of Videos: 250 [+ 38 videos]
  3. Number of Lessons: 14
  4. Total Number of Questions: 400+ [+50]
  5. Number of Full-Length Question Sets: (total = 345 Questions) [One new question set]
    1. Each question set has 115 questions [latest RMP exam]
    2. A new questions set with 40 Q&As referring PMBOK7
  6. A number of lesson-end practice questions
  7. Coverage of advanced concepts such as Simulations, DTA, Probabilistic Branching, Probabilistic Linking, PMBOK7, Agile, Enterprise Risk Management etc.
  8. End Course Assessment: Detailed end course assessment with 50 questions.
  9. Tips and Tricks: 100s of Tips throughout the lessons
  10. Content: Simple content and highly interactive videos

Course Breakdown: RMP 30 Contact Hours Online Course
  • Lesson - 1 Welcome (7 videos): 12m 40s [12 minutes 40 seconds]
  • Lesson 2 - Introduction (9 videos): 22m 28s
  • Lesson 3 - Fundamentals of Risk Management (23 videos): 1hr 18m 10s
  • Lesson 4 - Risk Management Framework and Life Cycle (18 videos): 1hr 00m 41s
  • Lesson 5 - Risk Management and Other Knowledge Areas (49 videos): 3h 26m 26s
  • Lesson 6 - Risk Management Planning (15 videos): 51m 38s
  • Lesson 7 - Risk Identification (23 videos): 1h 21m 16s
  • Lesson 8 - Qualitative Risk Analysis (20 videos): 1h 17m 21s
  • Lesson 9 - Quantitative Risk Analysis (26 videos): 1h 41m 58s
  • Lesson 10 - Risk Response Planning (24 videos): 1h 28m 09s
  • Lesson 11 - Risk Response Implementation (16 videos): 48m 25s
  • Lesson 12 - Risk Monitoring (18 videos): 1h 05m 28s
  • Lesson 13 - 3 Full Length Question and Answer Sets (345 Q&As) [Updated for latest RMP exam]
  • Lesson 14 – Final Lesson – RMP 30 Contact Hours (2 videos): 5m 24s

The details on it are also available available at:

What is Full Money Back Guarantee for RMP 30 Contact Hours Course?

There are no little tricks, such as – “terms and conditions apply”, “** conditions apply”, “guarantee not applicable if you have seen 15% of the course”, “give all 3 attempts or we will refund your money” etc., as you would have seen in many places.
What you see and reading here is what you get.

The premise is simple.
Go through the complete course for 15 days. 100% video content of this course will be available to you.
If you don’t like the course, I’ll refund your full money.

You can watch more on money back guarantee in this video [duration - 1m: 56s]. It also informs on the goal, objective and motto of this course.

You can also evaluate the videos before paying any money. Twenty-five (25) videos will be available for your evaluation, even before your purchase.

Applicability and Validity
  • RMP Latest Exam (2025): Risk Management Standards and Practices Guides, PMBOK Guide, 7th and 6th Editions [Updated in January, 2025]
  • Course Duration: 6 months or 1 year from the date of purchase
  • Price:
    $US 219/ Rs 17,519. Now $US 75/ Rs 6,379 (6 months access)
    $US 349/ Rs 27,949Now $US 119/ Rs 10,119 (1 year access)
  • Payment:
    (Login, Send your payment to paypal account of, Enter the amount; Invoice will be generated after payment)
    OR, you can pay via Bank Transfer or Payment. For this, please send a mail to to get account the details.
  • Available since: April, 2021 [Updated in January, 2025]
  • Primary Format: Video
  • Course Extension: 6 months more and 50% reduced price as given above.
    For further extensions, 50% reduced price will be applicable.
  • Status: Available
    (accessible via laptop/desktop)

Detailed Course Breakdown
The detailed course breakdown is shown below. It details on the hours of learning, number of videos and practice questions, along with various exercise details. You can scroll to see the full content.

If you want to buy or have any other question, please send an email to