
Thursday, December 12, 2019

MS Project 2019 Agile: Boards, Views, Tables, Groups and Filters - 2

In the earlier part of this serieswe saw various views and boards used in MS Project 2019 Agile. 

The content of this article are taken from the following courses. They are elaborated with a number of examples, real-world projects and tips:

As noted in the previous post, views are associated with tables, groups and filters. In this post, let’s explore some of these tables, groups and filters, which are frequently used. We will see the following tables.
  • Sprint Planning Table (Scrum)
  • Backlog Table (Kanban)
  • Task Board Tasks Table (Scrum or Kanban)
There are many groups. However, from Agile perspective, we will take two.
  • Sprint Group (Scrum)
  • Backlog Status Group (Scrum or Kanban)
And finally, we will see a few filters, which are frequently used.
  • Sprint Planning Filter (Scrum)
  • Backlog Filter (Kanban)
  • Task Board Tasks Filter (Scrum or Kanban)

II. Tables for Agile Features
A table in MS Project will have many columns and it will be shown with various rows to be filled-up with data. The columns are taken from the table’s definition, which is can be seen by going to:
View tab – Data group – Tables – More Tables…

There are many tables for Agile features. A view or a board is generally associated with a table. The tables definition can be seen from the selected table from there by going to:
View tab – Data group – Tables – More Tables – Edit… 

Sprint Planning Table (Scrum)
The Sprint Planning table is associated with the Sprint Planning Sheet view, as we have seen earlier. As shown below, in this table’s definition, we have a number of columns in the table such as Sprint (Sprint name), Name (task name), Work, Board Status, Show on Board etc.

Backlog Table (Kanban)
The Backlog table is associated with the Backlog Sheet view. It has a number of columns in the table such as Name (task name), Work, Deadline, Board Status etc.

Task Board Tasks Table (Scrum or Kanban)
The Task Board Tasks table is associated with the Task Board Sheet view. It has a number of columns in the table such as Sprint (Sprint name), Name (task name), Work, Board Status, Show on Board etc.

Note: As you would have seen, the board doesn’t have any table associated, because the board is a graphical representation of cards.

III. Groups for Agile Features
In the above views and tables, as you would have noticed, we don’t have any groups associated. However, there are two in-built groups, which are quite useful.

Sprint Group (Scrum)
This group is specifically for Sprints project. By default, it’s not associated with any Agile related board or view. 

This grouping is simply by the name of the Sprint and it’s a task type field. This is shown below. Do note that there is another field called Sprint ID, which is very different from the field name of the Sprint.

Backlog Status Group (Scrum or Kanban)
This group can be for Scrum or Kanban project. It can be applied to Backlog Sheet view or Task Board sheet view. By default, it’s not associated with any Agile related board or view. 

As shown below, I’ve applied it for Backlog Sheet view.

This grouping is simply by the status of the board and it’s also a task type field. This is shown below.

IV. Filters for Agile Features
You would have noticed that in the above views and tables, we have many filters associated. We will check some of these filters, which are frequently used.

Sprint Planning Filter (Scrum)
This filter is specifically for Scrum project. It’s applied to both Sprint Planning Board and Sprint Planning Sheet views. As you can see, the name matches with the name of the table, i.e., Sprint Planning Table, which we have seen before. The filtering criteria are shown below.

Backlog Filter (Kanban)
This filter is specifically for Kanban project. It’s applied to both Backlog Board and Backlog Sheet views. As you can see, the name matches with the name of the table, i.e., Backlog Table, which we have seen before. The filtering criteria are shown below, which are exactly similar to the Sprint Planning filter.

Task Board Tasks Filter (Scrum)
This filter can be for either Scrum or Kanban project. It’s applied to Task Board Sheet view, which we have seen before. The filtering criteria are shown below.

There are many other views available in MS Project 2019 Agile such as Current Sprint Planning Board, Current Sprint Planning Sheet, so also tables, groups and filters. Examples of other filters that you can use include Current Sprint Planning, Select Sprint etc. 

This series: Part - 1 ]

I hope these two posts, gave you the understanding needed to work with Scrum/Sprint and Kanban projects with MS Project Agile features.

Videos Courses on MS Project Agile and Hybrid-Agile:

Videos Courses on MS Project:

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