Tuesday, January 07, 2025

PMBOK Guide 8th Edition – ManagementYogi’s First View and Analysis on Agile, Hybrid and More of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


The PMBOK® Guide, 8th edition, draft version has been made available on the Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) website. Like process group related processes and performance domains, the content for Agile has also seen changes. 

First and foremost, parts of the Agile Practice Guide (APG) have been directly included in the PMBOK Guide, 8th edition. The APG may remain as one of the reference sources. In some areas, it has good content and explanations with respect to certain situations.  

This post is in continuation of the earlier post on PMBOK Guide, 8th edition:

PMBOK, 8th edition:  Process Groups, Performance Domains and Artificial Intelligence

While the above linked post is more with respect to the guide part of the PMBOK Guide, this article is about both – the standard and the guide

Overall, the PMBOK guide (6th, 7th and 8th editions) can be seen as a human – with a head (the standard part), body (the guide part) and legs (the terms, definitions etc. on which the head and body stands). This is shown in the figure to our right. 

Again, do note that it’s a draft edition and hence the approved one will have additions, removals and modifications. A number of new contents can also be added. 

Now, let’s see the changes briefly with respect to Agile, Hybrid and related content. 

Development Approaches

The spectrum of development approaches remains the same in the PMBOK, 8th edition:

  • Predictive:  It’s at one end of the spectrum. It’s used when requirement churn is low. 
  • Adaptive: It’s at the other end of the spectrum. It’s used when requirement churn is high. 
  • Hybrid: It sits in the middle and is a combination of predictive and adaptive.

Do note that the development approach is completely different from the project life cycle. Many confuse the two. The below three are distinct and separate in the PMBOK Guide, 8th edition. 

  1. Project Life,
  2. Development Approach, and
  3. Scheduling Approach. 

Nevertheless, additional content has been put into various development approaches. 


This is another approach, which is mainly plan-driven. While going for the fully predictive approach (remember it’s a spectrum), one can follow the ITTOs (Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs) of the earlier mentioned 40 processes.

In the PMBOK 6th edition, there are 49 processes. You can watch it here. If you have understood the processes clearly in PMBOK6, it won't be very hard for you in PMBOK8. However, the most important part is the sequencing, flow and understanding of the key ITTOs. 

Now, considering PMBOK7, there have been big changes in the performance domains, which are governed by a set of principles. As noted in my earlier articles on PMBOK Guide, 7th edition (Part – 1 and Part - 2), the following one is still valid.

Principles guide the behavior. Performance domains are broad areas of focus to demonstrate that behavior.

In addition, there have been changes in the ITTOs. Completely new T&Ts are added for the first time. For example, new T&Ts have been added such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
  • Machine Learning (ML), which is part of AI
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The advantage with AI is that it can use vast amounts of project data/information, past data such as historical information, and can also take current, real-time data to make informed decisions or can augment your ability to make decisions. 

In addition, schedule optimization, resource optimization (supply and demand), schedule compression, detecting overallocations etc. can make use of Artificial Intelligence.

Adaptive (Agile)

Agile is both iterative and incremental. It’s a change-driven approach. 

As you go through the PMBOK, 8th edition, you will find a number of tools and techniques (T&Ts) such as:

  • Daily Coordination Meetings
  • Retrospective Meetings
  • Project Canvas (yes, can be used in Agile too!). In fact, the concept is used in Lean approaches.
  • Backlog Management, 
  • Backlog Refinement, among others

Coming to the inputs and outputs (I&Os), a number of them are newly introduced, such as:

  • Backlog,
  • Skill Matrix (can be used in all approaches), 
  • User Stories, among others.

Hybrid (Adaptive and Predictive)

This is a combination approach using both predictive and adaptive, but is used across industry verticals. In one of my earlier articles, I noted the following:

As per PMI report, Hybrid usage (31.5%) is more than Agile (24.6%) among project professionals.

Now, the PMBOK, 8th edition (with the standard) outlines four popular hybrid-agile methods:

  • Agile Development Followed by a Predictive Rollout
  • A Combined Agile and Predictive Approach Used Simultaneously
  • A Largely Predictive Approach with Agile Components
  • A Largely Agile Approach with a Predictive Component

The Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional (CHAMP) course, as informed in the previous linked article, provides a large number of hybrid models with explanations in a hands-on, practical and in-depth manner using all three: Hybrid-Scrum, Hybrid-Kanban and Hybrid-Scrumban. This dedicated certification understands the high importance of Hybrid-Agile management in the real-world.


As the PMBOK Guide changes and brings in new content, of course, there will be an impact on the future Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. It takes time to build on the new exam, which is effectively based on the exam content outline (ECO).

I’d also strongly recommend that you take the PMP exam as soon as you can, if you’ve prepared on the earlier editions of the PMBOK and APG guides. That way you don’t have to go through an entire set of new content. 


[1] Article - PMBOK, 8th edition:  Process Groups, Performance Domains and Artificial Intelligence (AI), by Satya Narayan Dash

[2] Certified Hybrid-Agile Master Professional (CHAMP) course - Unique hands-on, practical certification, by Management Yogi

[3] PMP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass or Your Full Money-Back, by Satya Narayan Dash

[4] PMP 35 Contact Hours Online Course, Full Money-Back Guarantee, by Satya Narayan Dash

[5] Book, I Want To Be A PMP – The plain and simple way, Second Edition, by Satya Narayan Dash

Thursday, January 02, 2025

PMBOK Guide 8th Edition – ManagementYogi’s First View and Analysis on the Process Groups, Performance Domains and Addition of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


The PMBOK® Guide, 8th edition is currently available on the Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) website. It’s a draft version. There has been a complete overhaul when you compare the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide 8th edition with the 7th edition or the 6th edition. Nevertheless, commonalities remain. One fresh introduction has been with respect to Artificial Intelligence (AI).  

You can give your comments by visiting this page within the timewindow: 


If you are a Project Management Professional (PMP®) from my sessions and/or have used my courses and books on project management, portfolio management, risk management, agile management among others, I’d strongly suggest that you go through it and give your review comments. PMI has been a pioneer in the field of project-program-portfolio management for decades and has made enormous contributions towards it.

Do note that it’s a draft edition and hence the approved one will have additions, removals and modifications. A number of new contents can also be added.

Now, let’s see the changes briefly on the Process Groups and Performance Domains. 

Process Groups (PG)

The Process Groups (PGs) have made a comeback in the PMBOK 8th edition, draft version. Yes, indeed! In the PMBOK 7th edition, it was completely removed with the exception of a few lines in one of the Models-Methods-Artifacts (MMA) sections. 

In fact, a note in the PMBOK8 draft is as follows:

“This eighth edition reintroduces the ITTOs and process descriptions within the organization structure of the project management performance domains.”

I agree with this approach and idea. It gives aspiring Project Management Professional (PMPs) to know what project management actually is, with more clarity, rather than high content in abstract. For a newcomer and even with experienced PMs, it’ll be much more useful. 

The process groups in the PMBOK, 8th edition, remain the same:

  • Initiating
  • Planning
  • Closing
  • Monitoring and Controlling
  • Closing

However, the number, name, content, and sequencing of the processes are different. If you have used my PMP Course, you’d quickly capture and write down the processes on your own in a sequence.

A New Process Map

Following are the processes across the PGs in PMBOK Guide, 8th edition.

  • Initiating = 2 processes 
  • Planning = 19 processes 
  • Executing = 9 processes
  • Monitoring and Controlling = 9 processes
  • Closing = 1 process

In total, there are now 40 processes:

= Initiating (2) + Planning (19) + Executing (9) + Monitoring and Controlling (9) + Closing (1)

= 2 + 19 + 9 + 9 + 1

= 40

Earlier, in the PMBOK Guide, 6th edition, there were 49 processes:

= Initiating (2) + Planning (24) + Executing (10) + Monitoring and Controlling (12) + Closing (1)

= 2 + 24 + 10 + 12 + 1

= 49

In my sessions, books and courses, I explain the importance of the processes and how they interact. It’s a must-know for anyone aspiring to be a PMP. The sequencing of processes should be on your finger-tips to really know and understand project management. 

In addition, if you understand the process map and the flow as well as interactions of the processes, it’s much easier to understand the PMBOK Guide. 

Performance Domains (PD)

Performance Domains (PDs) are completely changed in the PMBOK Guide, 8th edition. Earlier in the PMBOK Guide, 7th edition there were PDs such as Stakeholders, Team, Development Approach and Life Cycle (DALC), Uncertainty, Measurement, among others.

The PMBOK8 resembles more like the PMBOK, 6th edition. I agree with this approach, as real-world project managers need to know what actually happens on ground. PMBOK6, in fact, was more suitable in this regard.

The knowledge areas (KAs) in the PMBOK6, 6th edition final approved version, were:

  1. Integration Management
  2. Scope Management
  3. Schedule Management
  4. Cost Management
  5. Quality Management
  6. Resource Management
  7. Communication Management
  8. Risk Management
  9. Procurement Management
  10. Stakeholder Management

The performance domains (PDs) in the PMBOK Guide, 8th edition draft version, are:

  1. Governance
  2. Scope
  3. Schedule
  4. Finance
  5. Stakeholders
  6. Resources
  7. Risk

Do note that the two top changes are:

1. It’s not called a knowledge area, but a performance domain.

2. There is no “management” word involved in the PDs, but simply the name of the PD. For example, inplace of Schedule Management, it’s simply called Schedule.

What Happened to Quality, Communication and Procurement?

The first thing (again if you have followed my courses and books or sessions), you’d have noticed are the following:

  • Integration Management is not there.
  • Quality Management is not there.
  • Communication Management is also not part of the list.
  • Procurement Management, too, is not part of the list.

So, what happened to them?

Again, as I went through, these are the changes:

  • Integration Management is now Governance PD.
  • Quality Management content (significant aspects) has been moved into Scope PD.
  • Communication Management is moved into Stakeholders PD.
  • Procurement Management content (some aspects) has been moved into Schedule PD.

For the performance domain, you also have these additions:

  • Key Concepts
  • Processes
  • Tailoring considerations (in many places). 

I find these to be very important and useful. 

Also, in every performance domain, you’ll have:

  • Interactions with other domains: For example, how Governance PD interacts with Scope, Risk, Resources PDs, among others.
  • Check Results (Outcomes): This is another important aspect. You need to know when the respective PD will be considered to be successful.
Knowledge Areas and Performance Domains are two different concepts. You can read these two articles to learn more.

Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A key and important addition in the PMBOK Guide, 8th edition is the direct addition of rapidly evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) related content. For example, in Schedule PD, there is a section on AI and ML (machine-learning) based schedule optimization. 

PMBOK8, in fact, has a dedicated section on it – X3: Artificial Intelligence.

Among others, this section covers AI in project management context, strategies for AI adoption, and above all, usage of AI in various PDs such as Governance, Risk, Schedule, Stakeholders.


If you are a keen learner of project, program and portfolio (PPP) management, I’d strongly recommend that you go through the new draft for the PMBOK Guide, 8th edition. 


[1] PMP Live Lessons – Guaranteed Pass or Your Full Money-Back, by Satya Narayan Dash

[2] PMP 35 Contact Hours Online Course, Full Money-Back Guarantee, by Satya Narayan Dash

[3] Book, I Want To Be A PMP – The plain and simple way, Second Edition, by Satya Narayan Dash

[4] PMBOK Guide 8th Edition – ManagementYogi’s First View and Analysis on Agile, Hybrid and More of Artificial Intelligence (AI), by Satya Narayan Dash

Monday, December 30, 2024

Primavera P6 Pro Live Lessons: Free Questions & Answers (Part - 2)

This is in continuation of the earlier series of questions for Management Yogi's Primavera P6 Pro Live Lessons video course

I'll definitely suggest that you take both the question parts together, while you attempt the questions. This way you will have continuation in your learning and get a better understanding on the kind of questions to be faced in your assessment at the end of Primavera P6 Pro Live Lessons course. 

Also, as mentioned in the previous part, to answer these questions, you need to have: 
  • Solid understanding of Primavera P6 software in managing teams and projects.  
  • Out of the box usage of Primavera P6 project management capabilities, which can be used in a variety of scenarios and situations.
  • Basic understanding of traditional project management.
  • Critical thinking, logical reasoning, ability to think out of the box and also answering questions with speed and accuracy. 

These questions are taken from the course: Primavera P6 Pro Live Lessons Online Course. This course comes with full money-back guarantee, applicable for the entire course duration. In other words, there are no terms and conditions (T&Cs). Use the course and if you don't like, I'll refund the money any time. 

Again, I hope you enjoy doing these questions and it helps in your learning Primavera P6.

[This series - Part - 1]


Question – 7: For which activity types resources cannot be added?

A Task Dependent and Level of Effort (LOE)
B Level of Effort (LOE) and WBS Summary
C Start Milestone and Finish Milestone
D WBS Summary and Start Milestone

Question – 8: For your project, one of the senior team members has prepared the work breakdown structure (WBS). It’s shown below. How many elements are at Level – 3 for the WBS?

A Five
B One
C Four
D Can’t be determined

Question – 9: The default calendar which can be set for a project can only be: 

A Corporate Standard – Full Time
B Trades – 5 Days Work Week
C Custom Project Calendar
D Any Global Calendar

Question – 10: While formatting the columns in your custom layout, you have added these columns: Activity ID, Activity Name, Planned Duration, Remaining Duration as well as Start and Finish. It’s shown below. Which two fields should you add to know the delay you can have for an activity without delaying the early start of the successor and the project’s end?

A Total Float and Activity Float
B Free Float and Total Float 
C Constraints and Deadline
D Lead and Lag

Question – 11: Which one of the following is not a correct % complete type used in Primavera P6?

A Activity % Complete, Duration % Complete, Resource % Complete
B Physical % Complete, Units % Complete, Duration % Complete
C Performance % Complete, Activity % Complete, Units % Complete
D Schedule % Complete, Performance % Complete, Cost % Complete

Question – 12: Primavera P6 calculates considering Duration, Units and Units/Time. However, the Units/Time setting can be shown as a percentage or as units per duration. Considering hour per day is set at 10 hours, what will be the Units/Time for 2.25 hours in percentage terms?

A 22.5% 
B 50% 
C 40%
D 37.5%


The question set is available in the embedded document below. The answers are also part of this document. You can scroll to see the content.

For all answers, subscribe to this site and send a mail (from your GMail id) to managementyogi@gmail.com.